Canceled Woman Within Circle Training Prescott AZ Aug 19 & 20, 2023

In a Woman Within Online Circle Training, you will learn to create a safe place where women can connect, share their experiences, and own their feelings, without dumping their feelings onto others, getting lost in their story, giving advice, or rescuing others from their emotions. You’ll learn active listening skills and learn how to stay in ...Read more

In Person Open Circle in Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley, Arizona

Are you tired of superficial relationships?  Yearning for authentic meaningful connections with other women?  You're invited to a Woman Within Open Circle.  Our Open Circles are a private and confidential space where women encourage, support, and listen deeply to one another.  These Circles are for all women, 18 and up.  Open Circles are always free ...Read more

In Person Open Circle in Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley, Arizona

Are you tired of superficial relationships?  Yearning for authentic meaningful connections with other women?  You're invited to a Woman Within Open Circle.  Our Open Circles are a private and confidential space where women encourage, support, and listen deeply to one another.  These Circles are for all women, 18 and up.  Open Circles are always free ...Read more

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