Explore how your life could be different with Woman Within Weekend, Circles, and Programs.
Tap into the support, training, and tools you need to empower yourself as a woman; to deepen your inner wisdom and get to know which parts of you need more recognition and understanding.
Woman Within offers a brilliantly simple, yet completely different way to explore how your life might be different. Our programs are rooted in the ancient tradition of women’s work and circles, where we gather to see, hear, and support each other.
Our woman’s empowerment process offers a safe place where you can be held when you feel alone, challenged when you’re stuck, and loved when you believe that you aren’t worthy. You can choose to live life to the fullest.
We are women from around the world – of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and belief systems – on our own paths of self awareness and personal growth. We are a non-profit organization and a community of women. We invite you to tap into the support, training and tools we offer.
Over 15,000
For women
by women
Many workshops
and local Circles
Tell me about your programs? How can I get started?
Attend our Woman Within Weekend and tap into what you need to empower yourself as a woman; to deepen your inner wisdom, and get to know which parts of you need more recognition and understanding. Join a Woman Within Circle where your personal safety and growth are shared with a small group of like-minded women.
*Woman Within Circles
Take a few hours with other women to be accepted just as you are. A place among women where you can be your authentic self without judgment or advice. A chance to open your heart, be heard and seen, to connect and be inspired. Circles are run locally by women just like you.
*Woman Within Next Steps
Have you completed your Woman Within Weekend and are ready for more learning, workshops, and programs? Staff a Weekend, Attend our Skills and Wholeness Workshops or Join our Leadership Team.
All of you is welcome here!
What do women get out of Woman Within? It’s different for every woman!
“After returning home from the Woman Within Weekend, I felt more open to myself and others in ways I did not expect. Empowering is an understatement.”
*Please note: Woman Within programs and circles are neither a therapy group, nor a place for deep process work. You are responsible for your own participation and well-being. If you are consulting with a doctor or therapist we recommend that you seek their approval if you wish to join the guided circle. If emotional issues are triggered, you may need to strengthen your support network and seek professional help through therapy or other healing.